Monthly Archives: August 2024

August 25, 2024

Beginning or End?

Luis Rubio As the saying goes, after an intemperate night before comes the morning after. A less amiable way to observe the current government is to recall Louis XV when he stated that “Après moi le déluge.” In effect, soon will conclude the most destructive Mexican government of the last century leaving more than deficits […]

August 18, 2024


Luis Rubio “If it does not make sense, it sounds metallic” goes a popular refrain. In Mexico the governments change but not the practices nor the customs.  Corruption could be an evil, a cultural factor or a characteristic, but never a crime. Many are accused of corruption, but never for the corruption itself, but instead […]

August 4, 2024


Luis Rubio Opportunities are opportunities when they are taken advantage of and summarily assumed, because contrariwise they simply are not. At the same time, no governmental or national action constitutes a panacea. Nearshoring is a great potential opportunity if Mexicans know how to take advantage of it and convert it into an instrument for the […]