Monthly Archives: January 2024

January 28, 2024

Order and Disorder

Luis Rubio A “trilemma” occurs when there are three critical objectives but only two are attainable at the same time. From the time that I became acquainted with this formulation it seemed to me that it described well the contradictions that characterize Mexico: the search for political and economic stability above the disorder, the violence […]

January 26, 2024

The legacy of the North American Free Trade Agreement

Luis Rubio January 26, 2024 At its 30th anniversary, the North American Free Trade Agreement (and its second iteration in the form of the USMCA) has been the most successful instrument of economic transformation that Mexico has ever had in its life as an independent nation. It sounds easy, but in recent decades it has […]

January 21, 2024


Luis Rubio Biden is a rare specimen in the world of politics. Despite his chronological years and his (historical) discursive dyslexia, he has proven to be masterful in legislative matters and, although not recognized for it, he has advanced an agenda in a much more successful manner than would have seemed possible within a context […]

January 14, 2024


Luis Rubio At its thirtieth anniversary, the North American Free Trade Agreement (and its second iteration in the form of the USMCA) has been the most successful instrument of economic transformation that Mexico has ever had in its life as an independent nation. It sounds easy, but in recent decades it has been possible to […]

January 10, 2024

Mexico’s 2024 Elections: Time To Boost Democracy Or Cement Authoritarianism

 • WORLDCRUNCH – ENGLISH EDITION LOPEZ-OBRADOR As Mexico´s president seeks to consolidate his power ahead of the 2024 general elections in the fall, will voters and institutions react to safeguard the country´s democracy or fall deeper into outgoing President López Obrador´s authoritarian impulses? MEXICO CITY — Two philosophies divide the realm of power. One seeks to ensure the state […]

January 7, 2024

Crossing the Abyss

Luis Rubio “You can observe a lot by just watching” said Yogi Berra, the great baseball icon. There are few things as sobering as the way that campaigns for the presidency are coming to take shape. Times of presidential succession are exceptional moments because they present two contrasting processes: on the one hand, all the […]