Monthly Archives: June 2022

June 29, 2022

Can AMLO’s Popularity Survive a U.S. Recession?

Americas Quarterly Mexico BY LUIS RUBIO JUNE 29, 2022  Mexico’s president thinks his penny-pinching has kept the peso afloat, but the real support has come from across the border. MEXICO CITY – Mexico’s president is obsessed with the peso-dollar exchange rate. Looking back at Mexican history, Andrés Manuel López Obrador is certain that a president who […]

June 26, 2022

From Below

Luis Rubio In its eagerness to impose its manner of seeing the world, the federal government has gifted us with a true picture of what does not function and what, for that reason, it should not be. Decades -if not centuries- of centralized government with vertical control structures had the effect of stabilizing the country, […]

June 19, 2022

No Mercy

Luis Rubio In the novel Zero and the Infinite of Arthur Koestler, Ivanov, a bureaucrat loyal to the orders of the Revolution’s Number 1, interrogates Rubachov, one of the old revolutionary leaders arrested for having doubts about the fate destined for his country after the revolutionary triumph. Rubachov, disillusioned, rebukes Ivanov with an incisive statement: […]

June 17, 2022

Le Mexique tient tête aux États-Unis

 Institut Montaigne Le Mexique tient tête aux États-Unis Trois questions à Luis Rubio INTERVIEW – 17 JUIN 2022 Luis Rubio PRÉSIDENT DU THINK TANK MÉXICO EVALÚA L’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie le 24 février 2022 a entraîné une réaction ferme de la part de l’Occident. Elle s’est caractérisée par une collaboration exemplaire entre les […]

June 12, 2022

Don’t Give Me That…

Luis Rubio “Don’t give me that the law is the law,” said President López Obrador. In this, his approach does not constitute a break with the reality of Mexico’s recent past, except that the president does not express the minimal unease concerning the law being the guide for the functioning of the relations between the […]

June 10, 2022

Mexico: Playing Hardball with the United States

INSTITUTE MONTAIGNE Three questions to Luis Rubio INTERVIEW – 10 JUNE 2022 Luis Rubio CHAIRMAN OF MEXICAN THINK TANK MÉXICO EVALÚA The invasion of Ukraine by Russia on February 24, 2022, was met with strongly by the West, characterized by remarkable collaboration between the US and Europe in imposing sanctions on Russia and providing assistance […]

June 5, 2022

New Future

Luis Rubio “There are decades where nothing happens and there are weeks when decades happen,” wrote Lenin. The great changes in direction in history are usually not appreciated at the time that they acquire points of inflection, because the daily lives of most of the inhabitants of the globe do not change radically. However, observed […]