Monthly Archives: November 2019

November 24, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages

Luis Rubio According to a tweet that went viral, in the year 2192 the British Prime Minister flies to Brussels to ask for a new extension of the fatal date of the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union.  “No one remembers where that tradition originated, but each year it attracts many tourists […]

November 17, 2019

The Sixties

Luis Rubio “The reality of the myth is the unreality of the country”, wrote Monsiváis, a philosopher of everyday life.  The sixties qualify as mythological in Mexican politics, and more so at the current juncture. The sixties were years of great achievements, but also the seed of the dispute that, from that time, has devoured […]

November 14, 2019

What to Make of AMLO After His Most Turbulent Weeks as President

Luis Rubio – Americas Quarterly – November 14, 2019 Mexico What to Make of AMLO After His Most Turbulent Weeks as President   How Mexico’s Andrés Manuel López Obrador has defied expectations – and not necessarily for the better. MEXICO CITY – Two things appeared certain when Andrés Manuel López Obrador was elected president of Mexico […]

November 10, 2019

Back to Reality

Luis Rubio The cartoon depicts Herman Munster, the abnormal fictional personage of the T.V. series of a half century ago, seated kindly next to a little girl who tells him: “I thought you were a monster, but you’re tender and sensitive,” to which Herman responds, “The thing is that I’m only campaigning for votes.” Whatever […]

November 3, 2019

Back to the Past Anew

Luis Rubio Just when it seemed that, with the AMLO government, many of the worst vices of the old Mexican political system would be eradicated by an administration that says it represents a new regime, the daily comings and goings reveal the contrary, recreating as they do the worst practices of old. This recognition came […]