Monthly Archives: October 2019

October 27, 2019

Government: What for?

Luis Rubio Things are not going well for the government and not even the daily morning “press conference” – or all its sarcastic rhetoric- can hide it. The economic situation deteriorates systematically and there is no reason to expect it to improve under current conditions. The events of Culiacan show not only a tragic setting, […]

October 20, 2019

Mexico vs Spain et al

Luis Rubio Mexico carried out innumerable reforms –economic as well as political- along the last four decades and, however, the results were insufficient or, at least, very unequal. Some sectors and regions of the country grew and benefited, others stagnated and have been unable to emerge from their lethargy. But even where advances have been […]

October 13, 2019

Step by step…

Step by step… Luis Rubio The excuse is corruption; the reality is total control. Step by step, the president consolidates his position, subordinates Congress and, now, the Supreme Court of Justice, while intimidating the various relevant sectors of society. The message is clear: here I rule. The strategy is transparent and moves forward at breakneck […]

October 6, 2019

The Tensions

Luis Rubio As related by Herodotus, Xerxes, the Persian king of kings, conceived of the invasion of Greece as a ruler who believed he could do whatever he wanted simply because he was, well, the king. He turned a deaf ear to his counselors who warned him of the approaching dangers and dismissed whoever was […]