Monthly Archives: July 2019

July 28, 2019

The Dilemma in 2019

Luis Rubio In 2018, the Mexican electorate shed the mask of the establishment’s dominant narrative and chose the candidate that promised to change the ruling axes of the country’s political and economic systems. Since the election, but especially since the congressional swearing-in on September 1, Morena’s groups and allies have acted less like an institutional […]

July 21, 2019

Choppy Waters

Luis Rubio When the vessel Andrea Gail set sail from the port of Gloucester, Massachusetts, in a desperate act to participate in the last great fishing expedition of the season, its captain and crew did not have the least idea of what awaited them in what ended up as the 1991 “Perfect Storm”: all of […]

July 14, 2019

Vices a la Argentine

Luis Rubio The risk of Mexico acquiring the Argentinian vice of being permanently stuck in a limbo of mediocre economic performance -worse than in recent years- with recurring ups and downs, as well as frequent financial crises is real and rises with the policies adopted by the current government. The coincidences begin to be too […]

July 9, 2019

In Urzúa’s Resignation, AMLO Gets a Wakeup Call

 AMERICAS QUARTERLY – BY LUIS RUBIO | JULY 9, 2019    Mexico Carlos Urzúa’s unexpected decision to step down as treasury secretary was a warning – will AMLO listen? MEXICO CITY – In all my decades observing Mexican politics, I have never seen a public resignation like this one. On July 9, Carlos Urzúa announced in a letter that he […]

July 7, 2019

Now They’re Government

Luis Rubio All governments blame their predecessors for the woes that they find or for those with which they cannot deal. No novelty here: this is not my problem, but that of my predecessor. AMLO is an exception to this in not reproaching a government, but instead an entire generation –three decades of presidents and […]