Monthly Archives: April 2019

April 30, 2019

Mexico And The Problem Of ‘Privilege Violence’

WORLD CRUNCH/AMERICA ECONOMIA Luis Rubio   Mexico And The Problem Of ‘Privilege Violence’ If President López Obrador really wants to give his country peace and security, he’ll need to tackle criminal complicity among the powers that be. MEXICO CITY — Violence ends up destroying or at the very least transforming civilizations. So what can be done to […]

April 28, 2019

Injured Parties

Luis Rubio When Don Quixote discovers windmills, he says to his squire “Fortune is guiding our affairs better than we could have wished. Do you see over yonder, friend Sancho, thirty or forty hulking giants? I intend to do battle with them and slay them. With their spoils we will begin to be rich for […]

April 21, 2019

Ending the Violent Order

Luis Rubio “The solution to the problem, says Rachel Kleinfeld, lies in re-civilizing society and the political system.”  Violence has very clear and distinctive explanations in each specific situation that can be reverted if the problem is focused correctly. The author* affirms that it is possible to restore peace and order if a leadership is […]

April 15, 2019

Why NAFTA Is Critical for Mexico

 Americas Quarterly   LUIS RUBIO | APRIL 15, 2019   The not-yet-ratified USMCA has already impacted Mexican institutions, beyond the economy.   For Mexico, the North American Free Trade Agreement as originally designed was much more about politics than trade. The George Bush administration that negotiated the agreement understood that and, in fact, saw NAFTA in geopolitical, rather […]

April 14, 2019


Luis Rubio The handiest hypothesis on the causes of the electoral result of the past year refers to the population’s being fed up, the evident corruption of the government of the moment and, above all, the paltry outcomes of decades of reforms in terms of incomes, poverty and equity.  All of this is doubtlessly valid, […]

April 7, 2019

If Not Progress, What?

Luis Rubio At the beginning of this century, Russia found itself at a crossroads. The end of the Cold War had opened limitless opportunities, but its process of transition -from an economy that was controlled, centralized and one without private property to a market economy- had been disastrous. Instead of spreading the property among millions […]