Monthly Archives: January 2018

January 31, 2018

The challenges for Mexico in 2018

Luis Rubio Presidential elections nearby by Qrius,  January 28, 2018 in Evening Edition, Recent Articles, World Mexico is currently going through three simultaneous social shifts that feedback into each other and may change the face of the country. First of all, it is undergoing a lengthy economic, political, and demographic transition. Second, the country is experiencing a difficult relationship […]

Mexico in 2018

La Razón -España – Luis Rubio Mexico is going through three simultaneous, but different, processes that feedback onto each other. First off, the country is undergoing a lengthy economic, political, social and demographic transition without anyone managing it, but one that has consequences in all ambits. In second place, the country is experiencing a difficult […]

January 28, 2018

Projects and Results

Luis Rubio In an interview once, Woody Allen said “I am astounded by people who want to ‘know’ the universe when it’s hard enough to find your way around Chinatown”. That’s how many of the changes that the country has experienced in recent times appear to have been. In the past five decades, the country […]

January 21, 2018

Dealing with Trump

Luis Rubio Mexico has been paralyzed ever since the Trump novel (tragedy?) began. During his campaign, the US president used a series of symbols -like the wall and NAFTA- that were easy to visualize by the electorate, and which proved critical in winning his election; many of these were contrary to Mexico’s interests and demeaning […]

January 14, 2018

It’s the machine, stupid

Luis Rubio The presidential race hasn’t even started and it’s already running at full steam. The candidates do their best to grow their presence, attract new voters and respond to the challenges (and tight spots) in which their contenders put them. Despite the excessive noise produced by the interminable spots in the electronic media that […]

January 8, 2018

Mexico in 2018: A Completely New Political Reality

Pacific Council of  International Policy Luis Rubio JANUARY 8, 2018 By: Luis Rubio In: Americas  Economics & Finance  Foreign Policy & Diplomacy The presidential election of 2018 will be the first to be held in Mexico without an international anchor that guarantees the continuity of economic policy since the era of competitive, democratic elections was inaugurated […]

Development in the New Geopolitics

In  ¿Y ahora que? México ante el 2018. Penguin Random House Luis Rubio We have been destined to live in a complicated world and in a stage of history in which complexity and change, within and outside of Mexico, are the determinant characteristics of well-being and development. The pace of change could hardly be exaggerated:  […]

Viewpoint: Mexico in 2018

Americas Society Council of the Americas Luis Rubio   The presidential election of 2018 will be the first to be held in Mexico without an international anchor that guarantees the continuity of economic policy since the era of competitive, democratic elections was inaugurated back in the 90s. That anchor has proven to be key to attracting […]

January 7, 2018

New Beginning

  Luis Rubio New year, year of presidential election: an amalgam of opportunities, but also of risks that no robust country should have to live through. Dual circumstances intertwine the opportunities and risks in a most tangible manner: on the one hand, although there have been enormous advances on multiple fronts, the problems continue to pile […]

January 5, 2018

Now and Tomorrow

  Luis Rubio NEXOS – January 2018 For a long time it was possible to imagine that the politico-economic transition that Mexicans have experienced would lead to a new level of civilization and development. There was no lack of reasons to think this: while it was evident that the changes and reforms required to make […]