Monthly Archives: January 2017

January 29, 2017

The Worry

Luis Rubio G.K. Chesterton understood Mexico’s dilemma better than anyone: “When a religious precept is shattered it is not merely the vices that are let loose. The vices are, indeed, let loose, and they wander and do damage.  But the virtues are let loose also; and the virtues wander more wildly, and the virtues do […]

January 22, 2017

North America


January 15, 2017

Citizen Confidence

Luis Rubio Is Mexico a democracy or an autocracy? The response would seem obvious, but it is not. Without doubt, Mexico has changed radically in its forms, but I ask myself whether in reality it has changed in essence. The evidence of the past couple of weeks is not endearing… The crucial question is why […]

January 8, 2017

For Whom?

                                                                                       Luis Rubio The word “democracy” has ended up being trivialized in political discourse, but above all among the population. Many of those who despised the old overbearing presidency and devoted themselves to combating it now despise democracy: before because a […]

January 1, 2017

Too Important

Luis Rubio In his book The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine, recently dramatized in the film of the same name, Michael Lewis describes a complex problem in an easily understandable manner. The 2008 collapse of the financial markets constituted the end of years of development of products increasingly more complex and dependent on variables […]