Monthly Archives: March 2013

March 31, 2013

Some Readings

Luis Rubio Holy Week is a good time to reflect on my recent readings. Here are some of those that made me think and change my points of view. Conrad Black is a worldwide press magnate who ended up in jail in the U.S. In A Matter of Principle he offers an intelligent –and coarse- […]

March 24, 2013

Power For What?

Luis Rubio All presidents believe that they are destined to change the world. Very few, in fact nearly none, achieve this. However, this proven fact has never served to convince presidential hopefuls and less so those who have already reached the topmost office and feel themselves to be omnipotent once there. But the problem does […]

March 17, 2013

Shall We Grow?

Luis Rubio Everyone wants the economy to grow. The government promises growth. The worldwide economic situation becomes complicated. Three realities that must be dealt with.  In concept, there might be many ways to achieve this so greatly coveted growth. But the only one that would permit conciliating the three circumstances is raising the productivity of […]

March 10, 2013


Luis Rubio The times change, but not that much. I remember a comic strip of Abel Quezada in which he made fun of political reactions regarding the surgical procedure that the Mexican president had undergone. Comparing the precise details published on the surgery that President Reagan had had some time prior and the absence of […]

March 3, 2013

50 Years of Change

 Luis Rubio Don Quixote was a simple nobleman, belonging to the decadent lowborn nobility, who sprang from a lineage of ancient wandering knights in the Middle Ages. But the time-worn prestige and power that these men possessed had disappeared with the fall of feudal society, bequeathing no quarter to these antiquated knights. The nobility of […]

March 1, 2013

The Privilege of Evading Reality

FORBES- Luis Rubio   How times change! Years ago, the quip that financial market operators chuckled over was that “Latin American countries are geometric because they have angular problems that are discussed at roundtables by large numbers of square people.” In recent months the same can be said of the U.S.   The financial situation of […]