Monthly Archives: June 2012

June 24, 2012

The Future and The PRI

“Sometimes in error, but never in doubt” is a characterization that could be easily applied to the PRI. The “Party of the Revolution” stabilized the country after the revolutionary era but never achieved overcoming its original sin, a system devoted fully and exclusively to the interests of the so-called revolutionary family:to control power and to […]

June 17, 2012

My Vote

The moment has arrived for deciding whom to vote for. This is the moment when each citizen must translate his or her experience and responsibility into a vote. Each of the contenders has assets and liabilities and each of these entails a distinct vision of the future. I shall make use of this space to […]

June 10, 2012

At Play

In an episode of the T.V. series West Wing, the contender for the upcoming election is asked why he wanted to be president. The candidate mumblesand his response is anything but convincing. His advisers engage in a chuckle until it suddenly dawns on them that their chief, the president, doesn’t have any idea of why […]

June 3, 2012

Alliances and Coalitions

Throughout history, the world has been constructed, and more than once nearly destroyed, as a result of alliances both sacrosanct and sacrilegious.Alliances and coalitions are the essence of power. The ancient monarchies procured political marriages that expanded or consolidated empires, while modern parliaments construct coalitions in order to function. Independently of the objective that it […]