Monthly Archives: January 2012

January 29, 2012

In Order to Grow…

Oscar Wilde famously wrote that “to lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune, but to lose both looks like carelessness”. It would be worthwhile to ask what the famous Irish writer and poet would have said of the investment levels that characterize the Mexican economy. If there is something that unites all Mexicans […]

January 22, 2012


Inherent in human nature is the desire for and expectation of improvement in life. However, less common is the recognition of what it would be necessary to do for this to be possible. Karl Popper, the great philosopher of science, once divided the world into two categories: clocks and clouds. Clocks are nearly, orderly systems […]

January 15, 2012


Certainty about the rules is key for the functioning of an economy, as I affirmed in a previous article.Quite rightly, Carlos Elizondo made me see that many entrepreneurs do not want greater reforms: many want no more than a few changes that would render governmental regulations more efficient and less onerous to make them happy. […]

January 12, 2012

Mexico Today (Video)

The Wilson Center A Seminar Convened by CIDAC and the Woodrow Wilson Center Mexico Institute.

January 8, 2012

Manage vs. Solve

Someone mindful of Giovanni Giolotti’s tumultuous political career once asked him if it was difficult to govern Italy. “Not at all”, replied the old statesman, “but it’s useless”. His response would appear to have been emitted by the old PRI. In Mexico, the old system, which can scarcely be differentiated from that of the present, […]

January 1, 2012

More Reforms?

“It would be blindsight to hide the obvious,” says John Womack: “that contemporary Mexico demands profound and responsible reorganization, a reorganization that conducts a cleansing of all the ends of the knot, and not only one”. If the country wants to emerge from the breach in which we find ourselves, we Mexicans will have to […]