Yearly Archives: 2022

June 17, 2022

Le Mexique tient tête aux États-Unis

 Institut Montaigne Le Mexique tient tête aux États-Unis Trois questions à Luis Rubio INTERVIEW – 17 JUIN 2022 Luis Rubio PRÉSIDENT DU THINK TANK MÉXICO EVALÚA L’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie le 24 février 2022 a entraîné une réaction ferme de la part de l’Occident. Elle s’est caractérisée par une collaboration exemplaire entre les […]

June 12, 2022

Don’t Give Me That…

Luis Rubio “Don’t give me that the law is the law,” said President López Obrador. In this, his approach does not constitute a break with the reality of Mexico’s recent past, except that the president does not express the minimal unease concerning the law being the guide for the functioning of the relations between the […]

June 10, 2022

Mexico: Playing Hardball with the United States

INSTITUTE MONTAIGNE Three questions to Luis Rubio INTERVIEW – 10 JUNE 2022 Luis Rubio CHAIRMAN OF MEXICAN THINK TANK MÉXICO EVALÚA The invasion of Ukraine by Russia on February 24, 2022, was met with strongly by the West, characterized by remarkable collaboration between the US and Europe in imposing sanctions on Russia and providing assistance […]

June 5, 2022

New Future

Luis Rubio “There are decades where nothing happens and there are weeks when decades happen,” wrote Lenin. The great changes in direction in history are usually not appreciated at the time that they acquire points of inflection, because the daily lives of most of the inhabitants of the globe do not change radically. However, observed […]

May 29, 2022


Luis Rubio   For many decades, democracy was perceived as the ideal mechanism for processing the demands of society and, at the same time, for generating conditions for the progress of nations. Not by chance did Churchill coin the phrase that “democracy is the worst form of government – except for all the others that […]

May 22, 2022


Luis Rubio The Mexican president’s discourse of the past three years has modified the vectors of Mexican politics. Many elements that were taken for granted have been exposed as puny or insubstantial, while attempts have proliferated to explain the phenomenon that the president represents, as well as what will remain after his six-year term, beginning […]

May 15, 2022


Luis Rubio The president enjoys a high popularity rating, higher, for the first time (if only by a couple of percentage points), than his recent predecessors at this point in the game. This popularity has two relevant characteristics: on the one hand, it bears no relation to the performance of the government, where its rating […]

May 8, 2022

Their True Colors

Luis Rubio The objective is clear: stay in power beyond 2024 at any price.  Showing their true colors is the latest novelty brandished by the lousy transformers of the Fourth Transformation. The electoral legislation in force in electoral matters dates from the nineties, within the context of interminable electoral disputes that would impede governing in […]

May 1, 2022

Fake Democracy

Luis Rubio Mexicans have become accustomed to living in a world of alternative reality: things are not the way they are and instead calling them by their right name, Mexicans sweeten them with pretentious synonyms and euphemisms so they will appear logical and commonplace, though everyone knows they aren’t.  When one observes what happens in […]

April 24, 2022


Luis Rubio The system of separation of powers devised by Montesquieu had as its main purpose the protection of the freedoms and rights of the citizenry. The idea was that the three branches of government would strike a balance that would make abuse by any of the three impossible: the executive, the legislature, and the […]