As an observer, analyst, and columnist, it has been my purpose to share my views and perspectives about the key issues of our time and for the evolution of the world and of Mexico in particular.

I do not subscribe to any dogmas or labels of left and right; I fervently believe in the possibility and need to maintain a balance, which does not imply neutrality. Rather it is the constant and intentional search for different perspectives and explanations that allows me to adopt and defend clear and opinionated postures.

I was raised within a liberal milieu, my transit through the university years taught me about the political literature of the Left. Later, I studied the American “institutionalist” political currents and learned the essential economic concepts.

I never cease to read and listen. I change my point of view when I learn new things, get to know other factors or when the reality changes. This process results in analyses and proposals through which I attempt to contribute to the development of an open, liberal and inclusive society with the opportunities, but also the limitations, that come together with economic reality.

I do not own any absolute truth. When I write I strive to explain things to myself and to my readers in a solid and reasoned way so that even those that do not share my views would find them worth reading.

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